Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I really like Thursdays now

It's the one-day of the week that before you would never admit to looking forward to but here I am aiming this is what I'm looking forward to

Largely because this is the day i go now to Derry and meet up with friends and go The Grove Theatre Group in Derry. I know to other people its not a big deal but this group is the only good group nearest to me as Ballywillian hardly lets the public know when they are going to audition people.

The show the group is performing by Christmas is 'Beauty and the Beast' at the Waterside Theatre. I have no idea what part I'm going to play or what performances of the 12 day run I will do but I'm hopeful I can win a part in the main cast whatever the role maybe.

So my day on a Thursday would start around 10am, then I would get wash, shave, have breakfast and then lunch before i head out to catch the bus into Coleraine at the top of the road at about 2pm. Of course i do other things which would only count as 'Not Much' when people talk about how your day has been but to be frank, four hours simply flies by in a moment.

I really like Thursdays but hopefully in the next few weeks when I've talk to agents, for my acting sake I'll start to really looked forward to other days in the week

[Originally Posted on my Myspace Blog - 14th September 2006]

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